February 3, 2016 | BPS Activities
Recruitment Officer SE2016 Kota Probolinggo been plastered in offices and
Secretariat SE2016 BPS Kota Probolinggo , Jl Bromo No. 32 Probolinggo . For those participants who passed are expected to participate in the
selection phase II ( written test and interview ) on February 9 to 12 , 2016. Written test and interview schedule for each of the participants have been
determined . Each participants must be present 15 minutes before the selection begins with a
free dress , tidy and polite ( please do not wear T-shirts and sandals ) . Participants who did not participate in the selection phase II considered
resigning and not passed as a candidate officer SE2016 .
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Probolinggo (BPS-Statistics of Probolinggo Municipality)Jl. Bromo No. 32 Probolinggo 67222 Jawa Timur
Telp (62-335) 421791
Faks (62-335) 431661
Email : bps3574@bps.go.id
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