Healthy Walk "Towards Advanced Indonesia" - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Probolinggo Municipality

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Healthy Walk "Towards Advanced Indonesia"

Healthy Walk "Towards Advanced Indonesia"

September 27, 2019 | Other Activities

All statistical people commemorate September 26 as National Statistics Day (HSN). That day is the birthday of Law Number 7 of 1960 concerning statistics. This year, the theme raised at the commemoration of National Statistics Day is "Towards Advanced Indonesia with Quality Human Resources and Data".

Numbers of events was held. All BPS staff rejoiced to welcome this day. Not only BPS staff, BPS partners were happy too. This was what’s felt by BPS-Probolinggo Municipality’s big family.

On the 2019 HSN commemoration, BPS-Probolinggo Municipality held a table tennis competition, HSN apple, and various other games. The highlight of this commemoration is the healthy walk event with the SP2020 attribute. This activity was intended as one of the SP2020 socialization events to the public. In addition, with this activity togetherness and cohesiveness between BPS staff and loyal partners which help BPS activities get better in the future.

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