Human Development Index (HDI) of Probolinggo Municipality in 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Probolinggo Municipality

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Human Development Index (HDI) of Probolinggo Municipality in 2018

Human Development Index (HDI) of Probolinggo Municipality in 2018Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 31, 2019
File Size : 1.02 MB


Human development in Probolinggo Municipality in 2018 continues to progress. In 2017 the Probolinggo Municipality HDI reached 72.09 and subsequently in 2018 it reached 72.53 or grew by around 0.44 percent. When compared with the HDI of the surrounding districts (East region) such as Probolinggo Regency (64.85), Pasuruan Regency (67.41), Lumajang Regency (64.83), Banyuwangi Regency (70.06), Bondowoso Regency (65.27), Situbondo Regency (66.42) and Pasuruan Municipality (74.78), Probolinggo Municipality HDI is ranked second after Pasuruan Municipality.

During the period 2017 to 2018, the components forming the HDI also increased. Newborns have the opportunity to live up to 70.00 years, increasing by 0.14 years. Children aged 7 years have the opportunity to attend school for 13.56 years, increasing by 0.01 years. Meanwhile, the population aged 25 years and above has an average education for 8.49 years. Adjusted per capita expenditure (constant 2012 prices) has reached Rp. 11.80 million, an increase of Rp. 406 thousand compared to the previous year.

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