February 18, 2020 | BPS Activities
The 2020 Population Census officially began
on February 15. In the current population census, the community can easily
update their population data just by accessing the website: census.bps.go.id.
In order to support the Online Population
Census (SPO), Mayor of Probolinggo, Hadi Zainall Abidin, invited the all residents
of Probolinggo Municipality to make a success Online Population Census 2020.
On Sunday morning (18/2) at the Transit Room
of Probolinggo Mayor Habib Hadi, as the Mayor called it, filled out the SPO.
"Let's Succeed the 2020 Population Census. I have already filled out the
Online Population Census, how about you?" he said.
The Mayor was accompanied by the Head of
BPS-Probolinggo Municipality in filling in the data. On this occasion, also
present Deputy Mayor of Probolinggo Mochammad Soufis Subri, Dandim 0820 Lt.
Col. Inf. Imam Wibowo, and Chairperson of the District Court, Sudarmanto.
The Mayor further confirmed that this step
is a reminder to the community that an active role in the population census
carried out by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) was important. According to
him, filling this online census can be used as a benchmark for the awareness of
the people of Probolinggo in supporting government programs.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Probolinggo (BPS-Statistics of Probolinggo Municipality)Jl. Bromo No. 32 Probolinggo 67222 Jawa Timur
Telp (62-335) 421791
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Email : bps3574@bps.go.id
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