February Sakernas Officer Training 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Probolinggo Municipality

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February Sakernas Officer Training 2023

February Sakernas Officer Training 2023

January 25, 2023 | BPS Activities

Soon in February, BPS throughout Indonesia will collect regular data on the labor force, as well as BPS Probolinggo Municipality. Before starting the data collection process, officers attended the training which was held on January 25-26,2023 at Bromo View Hotel, Probolinggo Municipality. The training was opened by Heri Sulistio, M.Si (Head of BPS Probolinggo Municipality) accompanied by Abdul Hadi, SST (Regional Instructor/Young Expert Statistisi). In addition, this training activity was also attended by Siti Yoanita A (Probolinggo City Industry and Manpower Office) as a Sit-In Participant or reviewer.

The National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) data collection began with an update to the data in the last week of January. A total of 7 officers will collect data on 14 census blocks with 10 sample households in each block. This survey is useful for generating data on the number of working people, the number of unemployed and other indicators of employment. (hms)

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