2020 Population Census Long Form (SP2020 Advanced) Officer Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Probolinggo Municipality

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2020 Population Census Long Form (SP2020 Advanced) Officer Training

2020 Population Census Long Form (SP2020 Advanced) Officer Training

May 17, 2022 | BPS Activities

A preparation of the 2020 Population Census Long Form (SP2020 Advanced) field activity has been completed by the BPS-Statistics of Probolinggo Municipality. The SP2020-LF Field Officer Training which took place from 7 May 2022 was closed on Saturday 14 May 2022 by the Chief of BPS-Statistics of Probolinggo Municipality, Heri Sulistio, M.Sc. This training is divided into two waves, the first wave starting on 7-10 May 2022 and the second wave on 11-14 May 2022. In his opening speech, the Chief of BPS-Statistics of Probolinggo Municipality advised officer candidates to study hard, be disciplined, maintain stamina to receive all the lesson taught by the instructor.

This Advanced SP2020 is a continuation of the previous 2020 Population Census activities. This activity is called the long form or long questionnaire, because it contains many variables/questions to produce 8 types of data including population characteristics, migration, education and communication, disability, employment, facilities, mortality, and housing. The Advanced SP2020 in Probolinggo Municipality will target 5,584 sample households in 349 selected Census Blocks. This activity will be held from 15 May - 30 June 2022. BPS-Statistics of Probolinggo Municipality invites the whole community to work together to make this activity a success by accepting the arrival of census officers and providing correct and honest answers.

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