Consumer Price Index of Probolinggo Municipality July 2016 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Probolinggo Municipality

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Consumer Price Index of Probolinggo Municipality July 2016

Consumer Price Index of Probolinggo Municipality July 2016Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 2, 2016
File Size : 0.5 MB


In July 2016 Probolinggo City experienced an inflation of 0.63 percent . Inflation Kota Probolinggo month of July 2016 happened because of the 7 ( seven ) expenditure groups , all seven (7 ) group experienced inflation . It can be seen price increases shown by the increase in the price index in the group of foodstuff by 0.80 percent , the group of food by 0.06 percent, housing , water , electricity , gas and fuel by 0.24 percent; clothing by 0.33 percent, health 0.33 percent, education , recreation and sport 1.24 percent and the transport, communications and financial services by 1.16 percent

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