Online Population Census 2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Probolinggo Municipality

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Online Population Census 2020

Online Population Census 2020

February 19, 2020 | BPS Activities

The 2020 Population Census has begun ...

The first phase is the 2020 Online Population Census, which will take place from 15 February to 31 March 2020.

Online Population Census is a new way of population census this year where residents can independently update their population data. Online Population Census Targets are internet literate residents.

On 18 February 2020 a Population Census Regional Coordination Meeting was held where the Mayor of Probolinggo officially opened the implementation of the Population Census Online and appealed to the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in Probolinggo Municipality to participate in the 2020 Population Census. On this occasion, the Mayor participated in updating his own population data accompanied by Head of BPS of Probolinggo City and officials in Probolinggo City.

The Rakorda aims to socialize the Population Census especially the Online Population Census inviting representatives from each OPD / Institution / BUMN, and School. On this occasion the participants were taught the procedures for filling in the Online Population Census, and trying to update their respective family data. Participants are also expected to be able to help their relatives / neighbors to spread the information obtained.

Other people can participate in this Online Population Census by accessing by filling in their Family Card Number and NIK as their user and password. If there are difficulties in filling in, you can contact the Mako SP2020 Secretariat at the Statistics of Probolinggo Municipality Jl Raya Bromo No. 32 Probolinggo.

If the online population census is missed in February-March, the public does not need to worry because there is still a Population Census An interview will be held in July 2020. In July, officers will come to the houses (door to door) to conduct a population census .

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