The 2020 Online Population Census at Probolinggo Resort Police - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Probolinggo Municipality

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The 2020 Online Population Census at Probolinggo Resort Police

The 2020 Online Population Census at Probolinggo Resort Police

March 17, 2020 | BPS Activities

Located in the Rupatama Sanika Satyawa Hall at Probolinggo Resort Police, BPS-Probolinggo Municipality carried out assistance in filling the 2020 Online Population Census (Monday, 16/3). The filling assistance, or better known as 'Ngisi Bareng (Ngibar)', was carried out by the Online Population Census Team of BPS-Probolinggo Municipality, led by the Head of Distribution Statistics Section, Drs. Mochamad Machsus, M.Sc.

Around 40 polices from the Security Intelligence Unit, Criminal Investigation, Traffic, and representatives from the Probolinggo Sector Police were present at this event. They were so enthusiastic in filling out this Online Population Census. Before the event began, the policemen present were instructed to bring the equipment to fill the SPO. Even after the event, some of them were still busy completing the Online Population Census filling.

Let's invite our family and friends to fill the 2020 Online Population Census. Let's # Recording Indonesia. Indonesia is advancing from your answer.

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