SP2020 Regionnal Coordination Meeting for The Sake of One Population Data - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Probolinggo Municipality

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SP2020 Regionnal Coordination Meeting for The Sake of One Population Data

SP2020 Regionnal Coordination Meeting for The Sake of One Population Data

February 19, 2020 | BPS Activities

BPS-Probolinggo Municipality together with the Government of Probolinggo Municipality held a coordination meeting of the 2020 Population Census (SP2020) in Puri Manggala Bhakti, Probolinggo, on Sunday, February 18, 2020.

The coordination meeting was opened directly by the Mayor of Probolinggo, Hadi Zainal Abidin, accompanied by the Head of BPS-Probolinggo Municipality. In addition, there were also present a number of Head of Local Government Services of Probolinggo Municipality who were members of the Probolinggo Leadership Coordination Forum.

In his opening speech, Mayor of Probolinggo said that all parties must support the 2020 Online Population Census. This population census is a joint activity, not just BPS activity. For Government of Probolinggo Municipality, this Online Population Census can be used as one of indicator of information technology literacy.

Head of BPS-Probolinggo Municipality, Drs. Adenan, MM in his remarks also stated that the 2020 Population Census Online is the latest breakthrough, where the public can fill personal data in mandari through the online portal that has been prepared by BPS, namely census.bps.go.id. He further stated that this basic data used was population administration data.

At the end of the event, all participants were invited to fill in the Population Census Online. For participants in coordination meeting who have completed the filling, BPS-Probolinggo Municipality provides SP2020 souvenirs.

The Head of BPS-Probolinggo Municipality at the end of his remarks asked all parties to support the success of the 2020 Online Penduk Census.

Let us succeed in the 2020 Online Population Census. We support government programs for the sake of Population Data. Let's Record Indonesia.

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