BPS-Probolinggo Municipality in New Normal - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Probolinggo Municipality

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BPS-Probolinggo Municipality in New Normal

BPS-Probolinggo Municipality in New Normal

June 8, 2020 | Other Activities

The released of Circular Letter from Head of BPS No. 256 at June 4, 2020 concerning Guidelines for Implementing Civil Servants' Work Systems in the New Normal Order within the Central Statistics Agency and Letter of Head of BPS of East Java Province No. B-35513.186 / BPS / 9200/06/2020 emphasizes that all employees (civil servants) of BPS-Probolinggo Municipality must prepare themselves to deal with the new normal work atmosphere.

Starting June 5, 2020 all of BPS-Probolinggo Municipality’s staff must come to work in  the office and adjust to the provisions of the new working hours system. The Head of BPS-Probolinggo Municipality along with the Supervisory Officers and Young Functional Officers must carry out work from the office (WFO) every day. While the other civil servants will come to work in turns (WFO and Work Frome Home / WFH). The WFH provisions must refer to the 50% of the total number of employees required to carry out work in the office.

Before starting WFO, all of the civil servabts must take a self assessment. Specifically for staff who have a high risk based on the results of the Covid-19 Risk Self Assessment are allowed to carry out WFH, while others are required to work in the office.

Health protocols are absolutely essential for employees who work in the office. Before entering the office, employees will be measured his temperature. Wearing masks, keeping a distance, and washing hands must be familiarized by all employees right now.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Probolinggo (BPS-Statistics of Probolinggo Municipality)Jl. Bromo No. 32 Probolinggo 67222 Jawa Timur

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