SILATURAHMI of BPS and Communication and Informatics Office of Probolinggo Muncipality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Probolinggo Municipality

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SILATURAHMI of BPS and Communication and Informatics Office of Probolinggo Muncipality

SILATURAHMI of BPS and Communication and Informatics Office of Probolinggo Muncipality

May 31, 2024 | Other Activities

Friday (31/5), BPS of Probolinggo Municipality get a visit from the Communication and Informatics Office of Probolinggo Municipality.

A warm discussion accompanied by hot coffee at the Aksioma Cafe of BPS of Probolinggo Municipality discussed the One Data Portal which is being built and continues to be developed for the progress of Probolinggo City. The Head of the Communication and Informatics Office (Aman Suryaman) conveyed the importance of consulting with BPS as the Statistics Supervisor will bring changes for better data quality.

The Head of BPS of Probolinggo Municipality (Mouna Sri Wahyuni) also emphasized the principle of one data that must be considered including meeting Data Standards, Metadata, Data Interoperability, and Reference Codes/Master Data.

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