First Press Release in BPS-Probolinggo Municipality’s Office - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Probolinggo Municipality

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First Press Release in BPS-Probolinggo Municipality’s Office

First Press Release in BPS-Probolinggo Municipality’s Office

February 4, 2020 | BPS Activities

On Monday, February 3, for the first time BPS Kota Probolinggo held the official Inflation Statistics News Release (BRS) for the first time at the office of BPS-Probolinggo Municipality. This inaugural release was led directly by Head of BPS-Probolinggo Municipality, Drs. Adenan, MM. The event which was attended by the Regional Secretary of Probolinggo Municipality was also attended by several heads of local government services in Probolinggo Municipality and its representatives, as well as journalists.

Starting February 2020, BPS-Probolinggo Municipality will release BRS Inflation twice a month. The initial release of the month is carried out at the BPS-Probolinggo Municipality’s office and the release on Radio Suara Kota is conducted every mid-month. Previously, the release was only done on Radio Suara Kota in collaboration with Communication and Information Services of Probolinggo Municipality.

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