Thank You Probolinggo Municipality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Probolinggo Municipality

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Thank You Probolinggo Municipality

Thank You Probolinggo Municipality

June 1, 2020 | BPS Activities

The first online population census event in Indonesia has officially ended. Until the end of the implementation period, it was recorded that 73.87 thousand residents of Probolinggo Municipality had participated from 15 February to 29 May 2020. The entire population census team of BPS in Probolinggo Municipality would like to thank to all people of Probolinggo Municipality who have participated in the online population census.

For people who have not participated in in the online population census, there is no need to worry. BPS will still collect population data in September 2020. The mechanism of field data collection that will be carried out later will be adjusted to the conditions of the pandemic.

Let us succeed in completing the September 2020 Population Census Data Collection. Your participation will determine the direction of national development policy. Let’s recording Indonesia.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Probolinggo (BPS-Statistics of Probolinggo Municipality)Jl. Bromo No. 32 Probolinggo 67222 Jawa Timur

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